Two final art-making workshops are being held in Omagh Library Headquarters on the 27th, July, 9.30am-12.30pm & 1.30pm - 4.30pm. We will meet in the conference room. You don't need to be an artist to take part. Just come as you are...

These workshops are a continuation on from Petals of Hope, Rays of Light which took place in 1998. At that time, 150+ people came together and made paper from the carpet of colourful, delicate flowers carefully laid on the streets of Omagh by hundreds of compassionate onlookers. This is a special creative response beyond the face of horror, spanning time and gently echoing into the future. All of the art has been made by the community in response to what has been going on around them. Their fingerprints are all over the work and it belongs to them. 

Visual art tags and bags of wild flower seeds are being made and have been added to the installation which has started to grow in the conference room in the library. This, like any peace work, is a "work in progress". It will conclude on the 27th after the second workshop and can be seen by the public up to the 12th August.

I am grateful to the Library staff, Ann Duffy and Julie Gibson, for their continued support and assistance in including this creative response in their premises.

If you would like to know more or would like to register, please contact Julie Gibson on t: 028 8244 0733 |v: 6420 4004 |e:  or contact me directly on

Funding towards the workshops has been provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Thank you for your support.

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